ARTICLE III. RATES AND CHARGES This article is included in your selections. Div. 1. Generally, §§ 19-126—19-136Sec. 19-126. DefinitionsSec. 19-127. Rules, regulations, etc.Sec. 19-128. Biennial reviewSec. 19-129. Tap chargeSec. 19-130—19-136. Reserved Div. 2. Service Charges, §§ 19-137—19-142Sec. 19-137. GenerallySec. 19-138. Basis, etc.Sec. 19-139. Rules for determining volume of dischargesSec. 19-140. Adjustments of basis of strength of dischargesSec. 19-141. Special charge to finance systemsSec. 19-142. Billing, collection, etc.