Chapter 4 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS* This chapter is included in your selections. Art. I. In General, §§ 4-1—4-20 Art. II. Building Code, §§ 4-21—4-50 Art. III. Reserved, §§ 4-100—4-100 Art. IV. Unsafe Buildings, §§ 4-101—4-110 Art. V. Electricity, §§ 4-111—4-180Div. 1. Generally, §§ 4-111—4-130Div. 2. ReservedDiv. 3. Specific Standards, §§ 4-161—4-180 Art. VI. Underground and Buried Utility District, §§ 4-181—4-184 * Cross references: Planning and development, Ch. 17; nuisances, Ch. 14; sewers and sewage disposal, Ch. 19; tourist camps and house trailers; Ch. 22; water, Ch. 23. State law reference—Municipal home rule, IC 36-1-3-1 et seq.; general grant of authority over building, IC 36-7-2-3 et seq.